Soi Books | PublishMe

Introducing our new hybrid publishing model which offers authors, artists, and collaborators more autonomy and control over the creation of their book, catalogue, zine or monograph. 

PublishMe offers a unique opportunity for authors, artists, and art spaces to bring their creative visions to life by working with a creative team and having access to a range of features and support designed to make every artist's dream book a reality.

Choosing the Perfect Format:

PublishMe simplifies the book creation process by providing artists with a simple format to choose from that caters to different artistic needs. Artists simply need to select their desired images for inclusion and then choose from three sizing options: A6, A5, or A4. A6 is ideal for artist monographs and giving a behind-the-scenes insight into their lives. A5 is perfect for focusing on a specific subject or area of work, and A4 is designed to impress and showcase artistic talent.

Expert Assistance from Soi Books Creative Team:

Once the format is chosen, the award-winning creative team at Soi Books takes over. They collaborate with the artists, ensuring that the book design reflects their unique vision. Within a reasonable timeframe of 1-3 weeks, depending on the price model selected by the author, Soi Books provides a digital book mock-up. This step enables artists to visualize their creations and make any necessary adjustments, ensuring the final product meets their expectations.

Empowering Artists with Additional Support:

One of the key advantages of PublishMe is the additional PR and Marketing support provided by Soi Books' experienced Head of Campaigns. This personalized assistance ensures that artists receive the necessary exposure for their book to reach a wider audience. Through targeted marketing strategies, promotional campaigns, and media outreach, Soi Books maximizes the visibility of each book, creating a solid foundation for its success.

Soi Books' PublishMe platform empowers artists, authors, and art spaces to bring their dream books to life with unparalleled creative control. With a range of format options, expert assistance from the Soi Books creative team, flexible pricing packages, and comprehensive PR and Marketing support, PublishMe offers a unique opportunity for artists to showcase their talent and share their vision with the world. Soi Books' commitment to nurturing creativity and providing an inclusive publishing platform makes PublishMe a valuable resource for artists seeking to make their mark in the literary world.